Just my rants...

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

It Didn’t Have to Happen. Again. And Again. And Again…

Another school, another massacre. Another student showing warning signs ignored by the authorities. How many more students and teachers have to die before our society changes its behavior?

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Black Like Barack

Melissa Harris Lacewell, a professor of politics and black studies at Princeton University, said Mr. Obama missed an opportunity to prove himself to blacks and white liberals who would have wanted Mr. Obama take the lead in condemning Mr. Imus. "This was so easy, and his unwillingness to touch it tells me this is going to be his third rail, and race never goes away in politics," she told the Boston Globe. "Black people want to love Barack. They're doing everything they can to love Barack. We want to believe that Barack is better than this. But they will turn on him."’ (from Washington Times, 4/12/07)

Is it any wonder why blacks continue to struggle when they are turned so easily by unimportant issues? Ms. Lacewell seems to indicate African-Americans are just waiting for Obama to slip up so they can “turn on him.”

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

How to Deal with Mr. Imus

Regardless of whether it’s a free speech issue or an insulting blacks or women issue, I just want to say I’m sick of pottymouths like Imus being on the radio. My suggestion for punishment? Wash his mouth out with soap – on air.